Baby it’s hot outside…

and every morning and evening I go out with a wet paper towel and wipe everyone’s head and shoulders down so they can be cooler.  At first they didn’t want to get wet now they understand and are lining up for the wipe down.  As you can see the kittens have grown quite a bit in the last month and a half since I posted their baby video.

We have had a lot going on both inside and out in the last month and I haven’t felt like updating the news.  Kit, our 15 years old 25 pound male has a fibrosarcoma on his right flank the size of a grapefruit half.  I first discovered it when it was about the size of a small egg.  It popped up out of no where and in two weeks it was as big as a golf ball.  We got a biopsy and the diagnosis a couple of weeks ago and I have been upset ever since.  His prognosis is not good and even if we did surgery there is a 70-90% chance of the monster coming back within the year.  Putting him through the surgery would be hard enough just to eventually die a few months later.  We have decided not to put him through that so all we can do is make him comfortable.  He has been staying in his bed under the coffee table in the living room and the females have been taking turns sleeping with him.

Kit and Missy on the couch in the evening

Smudge (table), Kit and Miss Precious

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